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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sperm Can Be Restored By Stem Cells In The Cancer Patients

Research done on monkeys shows that those people who suffered from cancer during childhood and lost their abilty of prodction of sperm cells can be enabled through stem cells for reproduing spermatazoa. Camotherpy and radiotherapy carried out during the treatment of cancer not only culminate cancer cells but also damage the sperm cells. According to the study publishred in Stem Cell magazine, the stem cells that produce spermatazoa were collected before the treatment of cancer and were injected into the body of the monkey. According to the results of the study, such sperm was produced that was capable of fertilizing any egg. Scietists have termed this a mile stone in this type of research. During the wake of the study, 9 out 0f 12 adult and 3 out 0f 5 immature monkeys produced viable spermatazoan inspite of using the cancer medicines, with the help of stem cells. Some cancer patients freeze their sperms before starting cancer treatment, but it is not possible for inadult patients. However, immature people have too those Spermatoa Juvenile stem cells that start producing semen when they get matured. Dr Arog of the school of medicine of Pittsberg University said that sudy has shown us the path that this is also possible in human beings. But still few questions are to be answered before carrying out experiment on human beings. According to the researcher the important question is whether the preserved sperms may be injected in the patient immediately after the treatment, or after his full recovery or to wait till he intends to start family. Moreover, another important question is if we inject the preserved cells that have not been treated with cancer medicine, into the body of the patient, risks exist that these cells may not have any affected cell and patient may not get cancer again. Dr Peter, a scientist in the Institute of Cellular and Molecular Radio Biology of France said this study presents a significant research results and sign of hope for the people who lost the capabilty of reproduction due to cancer treatment, but he further said that research carried out on the fertilization needed deep and thoughtful discussion on social aspects of the research.

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