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Friday, March 14, 2014

Emotional Politicaian Sheikh Rasheed Will Hold Press Conference

The head of Awami Muslim League Sheikh Rashid had once announced that if Ishaq Dar brought dollar rate to Rs 98, he will resign. His bad luck that dollar exchange rate dropped to Rs 98 for one day, may or may not be due to the effort of Ishaq Dar because even Bangladeshi Tikka got stronger to dollar in the open market. However, critics had reminded Sheikh Rasheed about his announcement, he will hold press conference in this regard. Sheikh Rasheed will never resign from his sole seat that he won due to the support of PTI. Sheikh Rasheed even did not resign when he was minister for railways and raiway had met a serious accident resulting deaths of several people but instead resignation he had said that he was a railway engine driver who will resign. He will make some excuse and will never be convinced to resign and would say this was due to any attempt of finance minister but dollar was defeated even in international market. However, it will be seen which way he wind blows.

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