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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

News And Views--8

*-- Former president Parvez Musharraf along with seven other accused have been charged with murder of BaiNazeer muder. Eleven allegations have been levelled against the accused including conspiracy of murder of BaNazir, teroorism, to give access to terrorists to BaNazeer, breaking of security and washing of crime scene. But where are proofs that Asif Zardari had been claiming to know the killer of BaNazeer.? *-- Security agencies have arrested eight Al Qaeda members inclkuding six women in a raid in Green Town Lahore. They had modern communication system installed in their hide out where the telephone calls of VIP's were taped. They had planned to kidnap the son of a VVIP. It is said that the Alqaeda wanted to kiosnap Hamza Sharif. The group related to Hasssan Gul and Daud Shah. They wre also involved in abducting Salman Taseer, Ali Haidar, son in law of general Tariq and and an American citizen. *-- By-elections will be held tomorrow in the 41 national and provincial constituencies except NA-25 Dera Ismail Khan cum Tank due to fear of terrrorist activity. *-- The head of Ekhwanul Muslameen Muhammad Badeeh has been arrested in Egypt. Ekhwan has elected Mahmud Ezzat as interin head. Eurpean Uninin has called emegency meeting. Egypt future is at stake. On other side former president Hosne Mubarak mat be freed as the crisios deepens in Egypt. *-- India has installed modern weapons at loC, It had again fired at Nikyal sector violating the ceassefire agreement. *-- Lindsey Lohan says she was addict but had evolved her attitide. because her approach to dealing with personal problems had not worked.

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