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Friday, March 1, 2013

Increasing Domestic Violence In Russia

It is not common in Asia or Pakistan-India sub-continent, as it is thought, but women in once the super power also suffer domestic violence. Thousands of women die each year due to domestic violence, according to an official estimate. But despite many years of discussion, domestic abuse( by husbands) is not still recognised as crime and this hampers help for the victims. When the women lodge a complaint against their husbands with the police, they are told little could be done about their husbands, "as house is his". It is ,of course, a nighmare but silent one. Usually police person advice the women to run away. They beaten and not allowed to go to hospital for treatment. The 35-room refuge on the edge of MOscow is the only option for women victimized through domestic violence, but those who can get the chance to escape. According to an estimate, based on a study conducted by Russian Interior Minstry, a shocking number of 600,000 Russian women is facing physical or verbal abuse at home evdry year. Out of those 14,000 die of injuries inflicted by husbands or partners. That is almost 40 a day. But there is no shelter home for women suffering from domestic abuse. In Moscow, a city of 12 million, there is only one state-funded refuge.

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