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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Government Of Pakistan Has Permitted Increased Drone Attacks

The major daily newspaper of the USA "Wall Street Journal" reported that "the present government has allowed the US administration in the increased number of drone attacks in Tribal Areas of Pakistan." According to the paper Raymond Davis was investigating about the Lashkar e Tayyaba and its activities in Afghanistan. The Pakistan army and ISI did not want this and were angry (not only army but each and every Pakistani was angry on Raymond Davis and other agents in Pakistan like him). Pakistan army was justified to be angry because CIA does not exchange information with ISI and does not trust ISI even. After 9/11, president Bush Junior sent Foreign secretary Kolen Powell to Islamabad to inform the then government that the USA could use all out sources to crush the terrorist and Pakistan had to reply in "YES" or "No" whom it is with? The same situation is prevailing today too. Pakistan has demanded USA to call back all the intelligence agents, and Special Operations Trainers and should stop attacks against Al-Qaeda, Taliban and other linked groups to them ( This report seems quite baseless and just negative propaganda against Pakistan). USA may be working on some other plan and just leveling the ground for it. The US is of course, furious about the arrest of Raymond Davis, while Pakistan action was in the best national interests. The paper has also blamed Pakistan's ISI of having old contacts with Lashkar e Tayyaba and Haqqani network. American Congress is habitual of accusing Pakistan all the time for least operatin against Taliban and orders to "do more" and forgets the sacrifices of army , the innocent people of Pakistan. USA has dual policy from the the beginning.

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