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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Employee Can Be Fired If Found Dressing Too Sexy

The Iowa supreme court ruled on Friday that employers can legally fire workers find them too attractive. In a unanimous decision that court held that a dentist did not violate state's civil rights when he terminated a femal dental assistant whom his wife considered a threat to their marraige. The dental assistant Mellisa Nelson, who worked for dentist James Knight for more than 10 years and had never fliirted with him, according to the testimony of both the parties, sue, saying she would have not been fired if she were a man. At trail Knight testified he had compalined to Nelsen on several occassions that her clothing were too tight, revealing and 'disracting'. But sometimes in 2009, he also began exchanging text messages with Nelson. Most of these were work-related and harmless, according to testimony. But others were more suggestive, including one in which Knight asked Nelson how often she had orgasm. But she never answered the text. In late 2009, his wife demanded to terminate Nelson as she poses a great threat to their marriage. In early 2010, Nelson was fired her, saying that their relationship had become detriment to their family. Nelson sued saying that she had nothing wrong and that she would have not been fired but for gender. The seven judges, all men, said the basic question presented by the case was, " Whether an employee who has not engaged in flitatious conduct may be lawfully terminated because the boss views the employee as an irrestible attraction." The high court ruled that bosses can fire workers they find too attractive and that such actions do not amount to unlawful discremination.

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