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Sunday, April 27, 2014

French Woman Stopped From Boarding NEw York Flight Due To Wrongly Pronounced Her Name As Al-Qaeda

A young French lady who was prevented from boarding flight for New York this week said she had been blacklisted by the United States because her name, if wrongly pronounced sounds like Al-Qaeda. Aida Alic, 33, arrived at Geneva airport on Wednesday with her husband and two children to set out on a US holiday was told by Swiss airline that they had received notice from US border authorities that she was barred from entering the country. Ms Alic said that she later searched US official travel sites to find out why she was stopped and came to the conclusion it was due to her name which on her passport is written with her surname first resulting in Alic Aida. Ms Alic was born in Bosnia but now is French citizen. Ms Alic who had painted her finger nails in colour of US flag ahead of her planned US trip, say she plans to persist in her enquiries with US authorities to find out why she has been banned. The United States, the Super power is so scared of Al-Qaeda that ant person with the name Osama can not enter USA. Al Qaeda and its fear disturbs the sleeps of US administration.

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