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Friday, May 27, 2011

Pakistan Is At The Bottom And Singapore At The Top Of Asian Green City Index--EconoMist Intelligence Unit

Pakistan is turning into a trash pile and in a polluted water pond, because in our country no industry follows the safety measures for avoiding the air and soil pollution. Industries are expelling dangerous materials and poisonous gases, expansion of cities that increase solid wastes sewerage and well as timber mafia that damage the forests and hence directly causing the air pollution. If 185 million population of Pakistan that has 36 % urban population increased at the same rate then it willgo as high as 246 million in 2030 that would have 46 % of urban one then one can imagine the condition of polluted cities. Pakistan is at the bottom and Singapore at the top of Asian Green City Index according to the report of an independent institution economist Intelligence Unit. This is the fortunate country whose prime minister has the scale of measuring his government 's performance linked with the development of Singapore. He has determined that not the Lee Kon u but his country will be the richest. What the Pakistani's rulers have set a scale for their performance? The World knows. During February 2011,Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR)has published a report " Review of heavy metals along the National Highway N-5". Samples were taken at 9 places from Lahore to Karachi highway.

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