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Friday, July 11, 2014

Selfies That Were Gone Terribly Wrong

*-- There are a few basic rules in museums. First: Do not touch the art. The second: Do not take selfies while touching the art. At a museum in Milan, Italy, a student broke that second rule: he climbed onto a statue dating back to early 19th century to take a selfie and caused the left leg of the statue to fall off. The statue depicts the 'Drunken Satyr' an ancient Greek sculpture from the Hellinistic era showing a human -like figure with animal features drunkenly sleeping. Fortunately, statue was only a copy located in the academy's hallway leading to a room full of more valuable work. However, tudent can not be blamed, because who would not like o post a picture of themselves sitting in the lap of an ancient statue. *-- In June 2014, a teenager died after plunging 60 ft onto jagged rocks as she tried
to take a selfie. Isabella, 16, was trying to take a photograph of herself during a school trip to the seaside town of Taranto, in southeastern Italy. The school girl suffered multiple injuries ans was rushed to hospital, where she underwent a major operation but doctors could not save her life. *-- Selfie addicts should really be careful when posing for pics near large moving
vehicles and realize that if you only get kicked in the head, you got off easy. The careless self-photographer had the bright idea to snap a selfie really close to the track as the train about to go by, but the conductor spotted him standing too close and took it upon himself to act like a human cow catcher- by kicking the guy in the head.

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