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Friday, November 20, 2015

A Muslim Republica's Best Response To Islamophobia In An Interview

A Muslim Republican showered her true colors during a Fox News interview. Saba Ahmad, the president and founder of the Republican Muslim coalition, appeared on Megyn Kelly's The Kelly's Files wearing American flag as a hijab in a show of patriotism and to highlight an important truth that many a times is not acknowledged by the instigators of hate against Muslims: the existence of an American Muslim identity. Saba won praise not only for her bold decision to wear American flag as hijab to make a political statement, but keeping herself cool during the discussion on presidential candidate Donald's Trump's recent comments on shutting down all the mosques after Paris attack last week.
Saba said mosques had nothing to do with the terrorists. Yes, there are people who misuse the religion for their perverted ideology but that had nothing to do with our faith. The discussion concluded wth Kelly summarising Saba's views that solution to this problem lies in going 'after the individuals' instead of mosques where millions go to pray not to plan acts of terror.

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