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Monday, February 28, 2011

Chychenia"s Struggle For Independance

After the end of the Soviet Union, Chychenia-Anghashtia war resulted in the division of Democratic Anghashtia and democratic Chychenia. Democratic Chychenia afterwards changed its name to Chychchen Republic of Achkaria and demanded freedom. After the first war with Russia Chychenia became a defective free state, however after another war with Russia, again came under the federal control of Russia till now. But, struggle for freedom continues. Chychen region is situated in the south eastern Europe with a population of 1267740 people.
Southern Ostesia:- The people of Ostesia are considered the race of Alen tribe.However, southern Ostesia is quite new for the world that was the part of USSR at first and after the fall of Soviet Union fell to Georgia State. But the people of the region do not accept being a part of Georgia and started fight in 1990 against Georgia that resulted in the death of more than 1000 people. During there was a ceasefire agreement but due to the bombardment of Georgia on the Ostesian town a full war occurred and Russia stood on the side of Souhern Ostyesia and another state Abkhazia and helped them get freedom which they got formally but European Union and America did not recognize both the states yet.
Kurdistan:- After the fall of great empires of the world and getting freedom by many countries from Eastern Europe to Middle East, but poor Kurds could not get a free land and they are divided in Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria as minority. Their population is nearly 30 million. Turkey declared Kurds as Mountainous Kurd to eliminate their identity and banned on their language. A group of Kurds "Kudistan Worker Party" started gorilla war in 1970 that resulted in the killing of 30000 people in Turkey. Though this has ended now but tension is still there.

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