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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Six Men Sentenced For 'Honor Killing'

A court in Pakistan has sentenced one man to death and five others to life in jail for murder of three brothers in so called 'honor killing'. The case relates to an incident that attracted international attention when a cleric sentenced four women and two men to death after mobile phone footage emerged of them enjoying in a party. The three brothers were murdered in January last year by the men of a
rival family, lawyer Abdul Saboor Khan told AFP. The murdered brothers reportedly belonged to family of one of the men seen in the video. The cleric passed the original death sentence in May 2012 after footage emerged of the party in the deeply conservative mountainous area of Kohistan, 175 kilometer north of capital Islamabad. The men and women had allegedly danced and sung together in Gadar village, defience of strict tribal customs that separate men and women at weddings. From the footage, it however, it was not clear that men and women celebrated together. Nor the women were shown dancing but clapping while seated.

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