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Monday, February 6, 2012

SOPA And PIPA Bills In American Congress And Senate Were Presented, Respectively

If congress approves "stop online piracy act", American government will be empowered to ban any website whether is it American or of any other country. Though target of SOPA will be the websites violating the copy right laws, but those opposed to the law say that American government would find golden chance to close the sites of its opponents.
American government will order the search engines, servers and DNS providers through SOPA to have no connections with the identified sites and will direct the advertising companies to stop their ads, the money sending companies will be ordered to have no business with these sites. They say that government would try its best to vanish the unwanted sites.
Another pet senator of the American entertainment industry, Patrick Laihi introduced another bill in the senate in May 2011 called PIPA ( Protect IP Act). The purpose of this bill was also the same as that of SOPA to get power for taking action against the national and international Internet companies providing the users free facilities for downloading of films, songs or books.
As soon as the SOPA and PIPA were presented in the house of representatives and senate, all the major Internet companies like Google, yahoo, Wikipedea, twitter, Face book, You tube, flicker, and Mozilla stood up against the bills.
On November 16, 2011, Google, Facebook, twitter, AOL, and Linked in, wrote letter to the important members of the congress not to favor the laws. They said that these laws were to attack on the freedom of expression and is equal to imposing censorship on the Internet. Moreover it was to crush the innovative and creative capabilities of the intellectuals. Internet companies will also suffer and tens of thousands of people will be unemployed.
With the introduction of bills in the upper house and house of representatives sever war started between the huge American entertainment industry and biggest Internet companies of the USA. On one side were heavy weight institutes like Walt Disney, Time Warner, Harper Kines, Macmillan, ABC, Chamber of trade and industries and organizations related to trade, while opponent Internet companies were no less than these like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, E bay and Mozilla.

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