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Friday, January 29, 2016

Zika Virus That Causes New Born Babies With Abnormally Small Heads Is Spreading In America

The Zika virus is spreading explosively in America, as the global health body warned that up to four million cases of the disease are expected. WHO called for an emergency meeting on the out break of the virus, which has been blamed for the birth defect microcephaly a condition that causes babies to be born with abnormally small heads. The level of alarm is extremely high. The virus is now spreading explosively in Americas where 23 countries and territories have reported cases. Following its initial discovery in monkeys in Uganda's Zika forest in 1947, the disease 'slumbered' and occasionally caused a mild disease of low concern but today the situation is dramatically different. Drawing a contrast with Ebola it is stressed and Zika needs a carrier to spread and controlling the mosquito was therefore crucial to controlling the disease. Brazil has been the country hardest hit so far. Zika originated in Africa and exists in Asia and Pacific. In Brazil cases of microcephaly have surged from 160 cases a year to more than 3,718 since the out break. Columbia, Ecuador, El Salvador and Jamaica have warned women to avoid getting pregnant for the time being.

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