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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Acne,Hair Fall And Headache, Reasons And Remedy In The Form Of Diet

Are you fed up with these issues and want to know causes behind them? The major cause behind these issues is mineral deficiency. You certainly know that minerals are required to keep you healthy and fit. But due to hectic routine you neglect to care for yourself and your diet. This results in acne, hair fall, headache, cramps and brittle nails. Here are the causes behind these health issues. **Acne Problem- Zinc Deficiency- Acne is nothing but ugly and painful spot on your beauty. It occurs on your face, shoulders, back and front area of the body. It is the deficiency of zinc which is an essential mineral keeps your skin healthy and improves complexion. Pumpkin seed, almond, peanuts and spinach are excellent source of zinc. **Headache- Magnesium Deficiency. Every time anxiety or tiredness is not the cause of headache. Some times it happens to you because you are magnesium deficient. Do not bother you can get rid of it by consuming banana in your breakfast and cabbage in your diet. ** Muscle cramps- Magnesium Deficiency: What to eat to regulate magnesium quantity in your body has been mentioned above but there is one more recommendation for you: if you often face muscle cramps, do start taking hot bath using Epsom salt. It contains magnesium that is absorbed by your skin and gives rid of the issue. **Brittle nails And Dry And Dull Hair-Vitamin B7 Deficiency:- The nails and hair condition very clearly speaks about health status, if your nails are getting brittle and hair dry, be aware, there is something very essential missing inside you and that is Vitamin B7. Peanuts, yeast and cheese can be consumed to avoid the deficiency and make your nails and hair naturally beautiful. **Weak Hair-Iron Deficiency:- If you start seeing bunch of hair easily coming in your comb, one of the reasons may be due to iron deficiency. Dark green leafy vegetables and red meat are the excellent source of iron. **-White Swellings- Essential fatty Acids: We often ignore such kind of painless mark that is usually encountered on our finger top or wrists. This painless swellings indicate the deficiency of essential fatty acids which can be fulfilled by consuming foods rich in Omega3, including fish, fish oil, seafood and nuts.

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