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Friday, August 17, 2012

Assasination Of Sheikh Mujeeb Ur Rahman, The Father Of Bangladesh

Bangladeshi intellectuals think that Sheikh Mujeeb helped the nation in getting rid of (west) Pakistani dictatorship. So, he was called as "Bongo Bandho" ( friend of people) and father of Bangladeshis. But, this is the one side of the picture while, other side of the picture exhibits the personality of friend of masses in a quite different version. Abraham Lincoln's saying is," Nearly all the human beings can face the difficulties, but, if you want to test somebody's character give him the government".
In the beginning of 1971 when Sheikh Muheeb ur Rahman came into power his popularity was on peak. All the country men liked him rather worshiped him. But with in three years of his rule he fell into the depth of defamation. When he was assassinated neither a single person took out to the streets nor anybody protested. This exhibited the most non popularity of his personality and the government.
Mujeeb became dictator after coming into power. Like each proud ruler he considered his own views and thoughts right. He eliminated the basic difference between political party and the government. In normal situation the administration (bureaucracy) is kept away from the politics but Sheikh Mujeeb was of the view that it is the right of the ruling party to get the control of the administration. Thus administration helps in increasing the impression of the party, Mujeeb thought.
According to his views as soon as he came into power he inducted inexperienced and greedy people in the administration. Not only this but he handed over important political and government offices to the members of his family. All these people started looting the national money and got involved in corruption. These corrupt group alloted permits to favorite companies and sold licenses to different institutions. Digested bank loans.
Under the guardianship of Awami League a new influential and wealthy segment of the society rose to the top. They got wealth from Bangladesh but did not spend in the country and took out to foreign banks (Like Pakistani Politicians). The only brother of Sheikh Mujeeb, Sheikh Naseer became the head of criminals and chief of smuggling network in Khulna city. He occupied the properties and business left by West Pakistanis.
The other relatives of Mujeeb, Sheikh Soni, Abul Hasnaat, and Sheikh Shaheed ul Islam got hold of political strength. They also looted national money and there was no body to stop them. Similarly, son of Mujeeb was the godfather of criminals who looted banks.
Commenting on the corruption under Mujeeb rule, famous American journalist Lawrence Lifshultz wrote in "Far Eastern Economic Review" that corruption and dishonesty was not a new thing for the world but the corruption and looting that continued in Mujeeb rule had no example in the Bangla history.
At last all this became intolerable for the Bangla people and protests started against Mujeeb in different parts of the country. It was must on part of Mujeeb to sooth the people, had to listen to their genuine demands but he started to save his chair through taking actions against the democratic norms.
On January 1975 he amended the constitution and took all the executive powers in his hands and thius became dictator killing the democratic rule. He banned all the national newspapers except 4 government papers. He did not stop here but next month he banned all the political parties except own party Bangla Krashak Saramic Awami Party. He also constituted his new personal army "Rakhi Bahni" on the style of "Mukti Bahni" with the help of the criminals of Mukti Bahni. This malasia killed 35000 to 40000 government opposition leaders, leftists and Islamists.
All these steps made Mujeeb unpopular not only among the masses but for military too. So army officers killed him along with all of his family members except Hassena who was outside the country and is PM of Bangladesh..

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