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Monday, June 12, 2017

A Great And Appreciable Role Of Blacksmith From Gujranwala In Pakistan's Atomic Program

Every Pakistani is proud of Pakistan's being a nuclear power, however, where atomic power is the result of day night hard work and labour of Pakistani scientists and engineers, there a marvellous role of Gujranwala's blacksmith is unforgettable too. Pakistan's nuclear program was started under the leadership of Dr Munir Ahmad Khan in 1972. The work on enrichment of uranium and research on radio active material was the first step to be taken up, for this useful and non workable particles had to be separated through gas centrifuge which had to run at fastest speed as high as 100,000 revolutions per minute to do the job, but the first gas centrifuge the team of scientists observed had only 28,000 revolutions that was too slow to separate the ore and it would have taken a long long time, so the team sat for consultation and concentration on the issue to how speed up the centrifuge, This centrifuge is just like a blower of milk in our villages to take butter out which is "called' Madhani in Punjabi and slang language. Then a team member put a suggestion saying that when a patient is declared incurable by expert doctors, his relatives bring him home and try all other options like treatment from local allopathic hakims and try out pirs and other spiritual people just for their last attempt for the patient. He Member of atomic power group) then said that he knew a blacksmith in Gujranwala whose ancestral profession was melting iron and making sickles and other tools and implements for farmers. Let us consult him. They all agree and team including Dr Qadeer Khan proceeded to Gujranwala in Atomic Energy commission's vehicle and on a old workshop of a blacksmith where they met an old man, who asked them whether they needed sickles to harvest their crop. But the worried engineers told their problem to the blacksmith but he neither new atomic energy, atom bom nor the scientists. He said he could do all sorts of iron jobs but he did not understand their problem and wanted to see the machine on the spot to know the issue. Scientists took the blacksmith to Kahuta and make him stood in front of centrifuge. Now, smith asked them to do the work the way they do and put the iron in the furnace before me. The engineers many other workers gathered their and took keen interest in the observation of old blacksmith. The engineers started putting iron in the furnace, after a minute the old man shouted stop it I understood your problem. He told them that when they put new doze of iron in the furnace the iron they had put before get cold and its melting point goes down, you should not delay in filling the furnace and continue putting iron with speed then it would not get cold. His instructions were followed and centrifuge started running at the speed of 78, 000 revolutions that could do the job, then it was improved to 100,000 revolutions and at present its speed is as high as 200,000 revolutions per minute. This was a central role of a blacksmith in making the Pakistan's atomic program a successful one.

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