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Monday, June 4, 2012

Important Revelations About The Reports Of British Empire Colonies

The 1200 documents consisting of the monthly reports by the British spies of the colonies disclose important revelations. Some of them are:-
*---During the beginning of the 20th century British government had planned that recently invented poisonous gas experiment may be conducted on the freedom fighters in Botswana.
*---During the decade of 1950, the strategy of the British government remained to eliminate the freedom fighters in Malaya( Malaysia)from the surface of the earth.
*---The British government coming in power one after another lied continously before the parliament and the people so that local Americans may be pushed out of its colony Dego Garsia to build military bases.
*---During the Mutiny of Mao Mao, who supported fighters among the masses his animal weere confiscated by the government.
*---During 1955 when freedom movement started in Cyprus, British government on one side carried out dialogues with the movement leaders and on other side preparations were done to deport them to Seychelles.
*---In 1938 British government feared that Nazi Germans posing to collect butterflies wanted to attack East Africa.
*---During 1959 British Secret Agency enlisted the names of Kenyan students in America who who were against America and white people. THE NAME OF BARRACK OBAMA MUNEER, THE FATHER OF PRESENT PRESIDENT OF THE USA BARRACK OBAMA was on the top of the list.

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