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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Crimes Of The British Empire Came To Light

It was in June 1957 when the attorney general of the Empire Erik Griffith Johns in Kenya, the British colony in Africa wrote a letter to the governor general Sir Evalene Baring telling him in detail about the torture carried out on the prisoners in the camps.
Erik Griffith suggested the British government of the colony that to keep the torture in "legal" limits this line of action be adapted ," The upper portion of the body of the military prisoners be targeted, the vital organs of the body like spleen, liver and kidney must not be hit, and it must be kept in mind that those who torture prisoners must be cold minded and non emotional."
After writing letter to the governor general Erik recalled that the matter was secret and very critical so he reminded Governor ," if we had to commit a sin then we should do all that silently." These sins included burning of Kinyans alive who were against the British Empire.
The eye-opening letter of Erik Griffith is the part of those 1200 documents that British government had to bring to public, recently. This is that dark side of face of British Empire that is not commonly known to the people.
Britishers entered in the "colonization business" later than Purtagese and Hispanics. They established colonies first of all in 1600 in West Indies (Caribbean) Islands. Then slowly and gradually they extended their business area.Therefore, they defeated several contemporary European powers. By nineteenth century British Empire became the biggest world government in the human history. The world's 25 % of the area included in the Empire of Great Britain. The population of the empire was 500 million. Then the proverb was common at the time that "Sun never sets in the British Empire:During the first and second world war when European Powers, specially Germany and Italy confronted Britain then the British Empire came to its end.

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