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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Plants Keep Account Of Storing Food At Night

Scientists got stunned when they found eveidences in biology of modern mathematics and accounts. British biologists studied a planr called Urby dopsis that is most suitable for this kind of experiments. Scientists found that plants have natural capability of calculation in arithmatics that helps in storing food at night. Team of scientists told E Life Journal that the estimation of the quantity of carbohydrates used in leaves at night is done in different cells with the help of arithmatic models. The astonishing thing in this research is that plants at night can not change glucose and carbohydrates to carbon dioxide due to absence of sunlight, they store the reserve of carbohydrates in such a quantity by means of calculations that suffice till rising of the sun. The experiments of the scientisdts indicate that plant has to initiate necessary calculation to store the usable quantity of carbohydrates. The head of the research team told BBC that plants carry out these calculations chemically that is astonishing for scientists too. Though this arithmatic calculations are lower than secondary school level but this is enough for the plants and they do it. The system present in the leaves of the plants measure the quantity of stored carbohydrate at night and the information about time is provided by a clock that is like biological clock present in the body of human being. Scientists say that if we use 'S' for the reserve of carbohydrates in plants and 'T ' for time, and 'S' be divided by 'T' i.e. reserve/time then the basic principle of the maintaining energy by plants is expressed. Prof Martin Howard say that this is the first solid proof of use of arithmatics in biology. However, the calculations done by plants is not like the human beings do but it is a chemical process. This process is also followed by birds to store fat while migratring from one place to another or laying eggs when they face scarcity of foods.

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