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Monday, June 17, 2013

New App Lulu Allows Only Women To Post Reviews About Former Flames

An App called Lulu is emerging as a controvertial new social plateform that allows women to post reviews and recommendations about former flames. The App, which is available for iOS and Anroid, is for women only. Men are denied access to Lulu, deeming it a "safe Zone" for women to rate dudes on a various topics, from homour and career to kissing and sex. Jus like reviewing/rating the Justin Bieber girlfriend perfume on Amazone, you can review whether your guy smells like Bieber ibn real life. If you are a female of 18-years, you can get the app and sync it to Facebook, then simply add a guy to the database and upload his picture(s). Users are anonymous and activities are kept off Facebook, but has the ability to share profiles and searchable hashtags with facebook friends. For instance charateristics like #globetrotter and #cleansupgood were listed on a profile, or #smokeslikechimney for the other side of the coin. The App asks you to identify your relationship with a guy in order to review him, then asks you a series of questions and tries to sum up your answers. While it seems like it could become the newest, friendlist for hilarious guy-bashing, Lulu claims that majority of its reviews are positive.

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