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Friday, March 25, 2011

The Enigma Of 9/11

When one reads the details of "Operation Northwoods", mind reflects the incident of 9/11. Think about it and concentrate on the fore and back ground of the event and ask yourself who was the beneficiary of this incident.? Whose agenda was implemented? That agenda which was planned by Bush and Dick with the help of the American extremists or that agenda for which Osama is blamed for? If Osama hd to start war (Jihad- holy war) against USA then he failed to do so. He was definitely unsuccessful but the freedom movements of Kashmir, Chechnya, Phillipine and Bosnia suffered a lot as the freedom fighters were declared as terrorists. America targetted Iraq and Afghanistan and wasted its billions of dollars in these wasteful wars and reached near to bankruptcy. On other hand Israel got all the benefits from 9/11. This was acknowledged by Israeli Prime Minister Natan Yaho himself. The Israeli newspaper " Maareef" reported on April 16, 2008," We got much advantage of one thing and that is the attacks on twin towers and Pentagon and the efforts of Americans in Iraq too helped us. Due to this incedent Americans are favoring us." Americabn writer and Editor of website 'Antiwar" Jestman writes,' attacks on the the heart of valley of 'Farat' and 'Dajla' and then occupation of these territories, Israel is so powerful that it had never been before and now they got more aggressive and want to extend their influence as much as they can."

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