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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Electronic Frontier Foundation--- Effectively Working For The Cause Of Net Users

The Electronic Frontier Foundation(EFF) that is effiecintly working for the freedom of experssion and and saiguarding privacy of bloggers, web surfers, and during the electronic messaging, computer-based SMS and Emails of the net users. It is based in the USA. Incidentally constituited during 1990 the nucleus person of the organization is (+)Mitch Kapor who is the creator of famous Lotus 123 program and has worked as first chairman of Mozilla Web Browser Foundation. Other founding members of the organization are John Perry Barlow and John Gilmore. Basically, the EFF was founded on July 10, 1990, when due a misunderstanding the American security agency FBI investigated against Barlow regarding the accusation of stealing of source code and data of Macintosh computer, it was revealed to Barlow that officers of FBI were totally unaaware of the technical information of the computer, he had tough time to convince them about his innocence. After a few days he contacted computer programmer Mitch Kapor he had also face the same situation. They both decided to create security about laws regarding the internet users for the freedom of speech and writing against the interruption of secret services. At this stage John Gilmore assured them of his support and promised to extend financial assistance. This was the time when American Secret Service was raiding the office of "Stew Jackson Games" the creator of Computer games Strew Jackson accusing him of stealing data. In reply Jackson sued the secret agency and won the case. It is said that EFF secretly helped Jackson legally. Immediate after the case,EFF got active to protect the cyber space users. EFF not only helps the internet users and in the telecom affairs of the people but assures the usage those new technologies for the people that government or private institution want to keep in their hands. Moreover, sueing in the court the laws hindering in the freedom of writing rights of bloggers, including Freedom for the distribution of digital rights, freedom for the rights of file sharing during sending data, freedom of speech in cyber space, stoppage of monopoly od organizations in new technical creations and stopping the monopoly of usage of intellectual or copy rights by private organizations and in all cyber space rights are protected by EFF through legal processes in the courts in respect od internet users. EFF has also prepared a " A legal guide for bloggers" regarding the rights of the bloggers giving them the status of journalists. Similarly, EFF has shown legal reaction against blocking the political blogs by different governments. Duie to which several countries are compelled to incoporate changes in the cyber laws.

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