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Saturday, April 20, 2013

911 Call Led Authorities To Capture Boston Suspect Dzhohkar

In a press conference authorities revealed that a 911 call is what led thenm to Dzhokhar and his capture. Police also announced that Dzhokhar was taken to a hospital after his arrest and is currently in serious condition. After the Boston Bomb blasting suspect Dzhokhar ws taken into custody, authorities held a press conference to release the details of the capture of the suspect. After the police gave the okay for people to leave their homes in Watertown, a man went out of his house and found blood on te boat in the backyard He opened the top of the boat and discovered Dzhakhar covered in blood. The man called the police and officials were immediately on the scene. Police set up a perimeter around the boat. They exchanged gunfire with the suspect and a hostage team was able to remove him from the boat. Police tried to tgaslk to the suspect but he was non communicative. Police sadded that Dzhakhar was in an area that was out of the perimeter where they sdesarched esarlier.

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