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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Some Identical Couple Marriages

As close as many sets of twins are, it is only natural that twins sometimes end up marrying another set of twins. It does not happen too often, it has been reported that only 250 sets of identical twins married to identical twins in the world, so far. The official term for this type of marriages is "quaternary marriages".
*-- Barbi Kantor- Goldenberg of Rye Brook, New York and her twin sister Cheryl, married twin brothers Bruce and Barry Goldenberg, respectively, almost 30 years ago in different ceremonies that were a year apart. Today the couples remain happily married and have five children between them. the Goldenberg's children are full genetic siblings, a typical genetic trait that occurs when identical twins marry identical twins ( as the identical twins share the same DNA).
*-- identical twins from Abilene Christian University, two-stepped down the aisle in 2008 (above), with identical twin grooms. Ginna and Gaylen Glasscock, both 22, started dating Erich and Nicholas, both 23, during their freshman year at ACU. After three years of dating Erich and Nicholas proposed to their girlfriends on Oct 27. The reception of wedding at Amarillo restaurant was split. One side was decorated in pink the other in yellow. Of course, the girl serves as each other's maid of honour and boys were each other's best man. *-- Two sets of twins held a joint wedding ceremony in the Russian city of Pechora, much
to the confusion of friends and relatives. Twin brothers Alexie and Dimitry married twin sisters Lilia and Liana. The twin groom's mother said that while she recognised her own sons she could not identify the difference between the two brides. Even the couple admitted that there are times when it becomes confusing.

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