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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Some Facts About America That Most Americans Do Not Realize

**-- One Out of eight Americans have been employed by McDonald's at some point.
**-- Apple has more money than the US treasury. **-- In Montana, cows outnumber people 3 to 1.
**-- One American consumes same amount of resources as 32 Kenyans.
**-- The first person to own a slave in America was a black man. **-- In America college athletes are treated like celebrities, when in all actually they students just taking part in extracurricular activity. **-- Though most Americans speak English but they have no national language. **-- One out of every 3 Americans is obese.
**-- Roughly 25 % of Americans believe in reincarnation.
**-- It is actually completely legal for underage kids to smoke cigarettes but it is illegal for them to purchase it. **-- Medical errors are the 6th leading cause of deaths in the US. **-- Virginia has birthed more presidents than any other state of US. **-- Twenty seven percent Americans do not believe that they had landed on moon. **-- If you have $ 10 in your pocket and no debt, you are wealthier than 25 % of Americans. **-- Hundred acres of pizza are served in the US every day. **-- Americans spend 4.4 years of their life at each of their jobs. **-- The library of congress is keeping archive of every tweet ever tweeted. **-- During prohibition government started poisoning beer, which led to thopusands of deaths. **-- Forty percent of births in America are from unmarried women.
**-- 1.22 million chickens are consumed in America every day. **-- America is one of the only countries to display its flag almost every where.

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