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Sunday, October 8, 2017

Why Islam Has Prohibited Eating And Touching Pig Meat(Pork Meat)

Islam is Religion of Nature (Deen e Fitrat). Its Sharia is complete Sharia and gas Code of life. It has guidance about each act regarding every walk of life. According to this Sharia of Isalam pork and its meat products are prohibited in Islam. The thing that were told 15 centuries ago by our Great Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) under the Farman e Ilahi have been proved scietifically. And it is the truth of Islam. Pig eats iys own faeces and urine. In addition pig eats every thing whether dead or alive insects along with blood and puss. Pig meat has more capability to absorb poisnous materials than any other animal, so, its meat has most poisnous particles. Pig does not sweat naturally so poiusnous material can not be excluded from the body. All the internal and expernal poisnon are deposited in its body. No poison can kill pig. Snake bite can not affect pig. When pig is died insects and bateria attack its body quickly. pig meat is never clean from bateria on any temperature and it can not be known till today that at which teperature pig meat is cleaned of germs. ig meat had higher proportion of fat than the meat of other animals and that is dangerous for human health. Pig's digestive system works very fast and any diet is digested with in few hours. ig has three fatal diseases that could be quickly tranfered to human being. Therefore, Islam has prohibited even to touch pig. These include typhoid, joint pain and gall bladder's diseases and are linked to several ther diseses. It is nice that Muslims living abroad who do not care much to the islamic teaching do not avoid taking drinks but never use or eat pork meat they hate it, and every time care to take halal meals.

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