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Friday, October 20, 2017

Only One Wife For Five Brothers In An Indian Village (Video)

A young Indian woman has spoken out about being married to five brother, all of whom are brothers. Rojo Verma, 21, lives in one room with the siblings, in Northern India. The young wife spends each night with different brothers in turn. She does not know which of the siblings is the son of her which husband. Fraternal polyandry is the tradition in the small village near Dehradun. The- set up may seem peculiar but it is tradition in this small Indian village. for women to marry the brothers of their first husband. Rajo and the first husband wed in an arranged Hindu marriage for years. Since then she has married Baiju, 32, Sant Ram, 28. Gopal 26, and Danish 19. The latest in the line of husbands- who married her as soon as he turned 18. We all have sex with her but I am not jealous, first husband Guddu- who remains the only official husband said, we are a big happy family. They sleep together in turn but they do not have beds just lots of blankets , Verma does not know which of the brother is the father of her son. The practice of polyandry is believed to stem from the tale of Mahabharta, the ancient Indian epic: one of cornerstones of Indian culture, sees Darupadi. daughter of King Pancha being married to five brothers. It is not legal but it is most common form. It tends to be practiced in male dominated villages, who still follow primitive rituals and customs, brothers who refuse the union are often treated as outcasts. Recently there have been instances of DNA testing, to solve inheritance disputes. The practice is also believed to be a way of keeping farm land in the family. It is most common near Himalayas in the north of the country as well as in the mountainous nation of Tibet.