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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Some Beneficial Diets According To Blood Groups

Known Neurologist Dr Peter D' Adamo says " One should select diets according to his blood group" To remain health and to get ideal body weight selection of individual diet is essential. According to Dr Peter the importance and individuality of blood group is expressed in the way that for healthy life some diets are beneficial for carrier of specific blood group but are harmful for the people having other blood group. Exercise too is linked with blood group. Basically there are four types of blood groups. Blood Group A-- 20,000 years ago when human being was progressing in agriculture sector, Blood Group A had changed for ever. People having this type of blood group should take most;y vegetables. These people are called Agrarians. Blood Group O is 30,000 years ols and is the most ancient of blood groups. People having this blood group need more protein than people of other blood groups. They are called hunters. The people having blood group B are called The Nomades.These people can make themselves habitual dairy products like milk and curd etc. This blood blood group was discovered 10,000 years ago. Blood group AB is a new blood group and was discovered 1,000 years ago. The people having this blood group have diet between people of blood group A and B. The people of this group are called Enigmas. These people should eat whole cereals and vegetable instead of bakery bread. They can use fig and apple. however can use warm natured fruits. They must avoid beans, meat and those meals that do not digest quickly must be avoided. People of blood group O can use digestible diets like sea foods, red meats, chicken and other diets full of protein. In vegetable they can use spinach and cabbage. They must avoid non digestible diets diets like ground nut and pulses and also not to use products made up from milk and curd. Should also avoid using cereals and wheat. People having blood group B can use easily digestible diets like green vegetable, fruits, cereals, turkey, red meat and fish. Should avoid non digestible foods like all kinds of seeds, chicken, groundnut, pulses and corn. The people having blood group AB can use digestible diets like tofo, turkey and sea food. Can also take vegetable, fig, water melon, apple and banana. These peple must avoid corn and red meat. Should also avoid diets having high quantity of caffeine.

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