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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Plain Of Jars In Laos-- Whose Origin Is A Mystery After 2000 Years Too (Videos)

The Plain of Jars is a collection of large stone jars interspersed throughout the Xieng Khouang plain in the Lao Highlands. The stone structures are mostly made of sedimentary rock and ranging from 3 to 10 feet in height (1 to 3 meters), each can weigh up to 14 tons. To date, the origin of the jars is unknown, though archaeologists believe that they were originally used between 1,500 and 2,000 years ago. The researcher have theorized that the jars may have once served as funerals urns or food storage. The Plain of Jars received relatively little Western attention until the 1930s, when French archaeologist Madeleine Colani began surveying the area. Though previous reports of the jars had cited the existence of goods such as carnelian beads, jewelry and axes. The site was mostly looted by the time Colani arrived. Despite this, Colani discovered a nearby cave housing human remains, such as burned bones and ash, leading to believe that the jars were funeral urns for chieftains. Colani excavated the artifacts, some of which dated to between 500 BC and 800 AD, and published in the Megaliths of Upper Laos. Though the Xieng Khouang plain remains the central site of jars, similar clusters can be connected to form a linear path all the way to northern India. Existence of similar jars in other parts of Asia also led to the belief that the jars were part of a large trade route. Some researchers believe that jars collected monsoon rainwater for caravan travelers to use dry season. Travelers would use the water and then leave behind prayers beads or offerings in the jars, thus explaining previous sightings of jewelry assorted goods. Though the caretakers for Plain of Jars are applying for status as UNESCO World Heritage, the area still remains the most dangerous archaeological sites in the world. Thousands of unexploded bombs remain from the Secret War of 1960s, and some of these arms still cause injuries to this day. Any visit to the jar sites takes one past numerous large bomb craters and crater clusters. Further adding to to the area's mystique, the many varied casings of these American bombs are used extensively to decorate houses and roadsides in the nearby of Phonsavan, the provincial capital, scrap metal collection is one of the major economic activities here. The jar sites can be visited by small, propeller-driver passenger planes, buses running daily from Veitians, Vang Veng and Luang Praband to Phonsavan. The three main jar sites can be visited by jeep/taxi arranged through one of the guesthouses or tour companies. or by motorcycles which are easy to rent in town.

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