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Saturday, September 15, 2018

Some Health Tips That Seem Weird But Can Help You Improve Your Health

**-- Don’t brush your teeth immediately after eating**-- It is better not to brush your teeth immediately meals and drinks, especially if they contain a lot of acid. Examples are citrus fruits, tomatoes and fuzzy drinks. The abrasive action of brushing can cause the acid to attack the tooth enamel and layer underneath. It is better to wait at least half an hour before brushing. **-- Build muscle to fit into a smaller size**--
A kilogram of muscle wieghs the same as a kilo of fat, but the muscle is more compact and takes upless space than fat. This explains why a muscular person who wighs the same as a cubbier one will likely fit into a smaller pair of jeans. A kilogram of muscle weighs the same as a kilo of fat, but muscle is more compact and takes up less space than fat. This explains why a muscular person who weighs the same as a chubbier one will likely fit into a smaller pair of jeans. **-- Eat more calories to lose weight**-- Carbohydrates on their own may do nothing but spike your blood sugar, leaving you even hungrier than before. Adding proteins and fats like peanut butter and cheese will increase the calorie count of your meal, but will help you get full more quickly and stay satisfied for longer, which will lead to ingesting fewer calories in the long run. **-- Drink a hot beverage to help you cool off**-- In India it is the norm to drink hot tea in hot weather. It sounds crazy, but according to a study, a hot drink on a hot day will cool you off faster than a cold drink. When you drink a hot beverage, your body produces more sweat which, when it evaporates, cools you off. **-- Exercise to increase your energy levels**-- After a long day at work, exercise is probably the last thing you want to do, but getting moving can actually energise you. Through exercise, we recharge tired cells by giving them more oxygen. Physical activity that builds muscle strength also improves the efficiency of the mitochondria that produce the energy in the cells. **-- 'Freeze' cardiac patients to save their life**-- Cooling a cardiac arrest patient's core temperature to below 32.2 degrees Celsius – a process called “induced hypothermia”, either by injecting them with a cold saline solution or placing ice packs on them increases their chances of complete recovery. Hypothermia – when your core body temperature drops so low that normal metabolism and bodily functions cease – can lead to death, but can also radically slow down the dying process. **-- Close the lid when you flush the toilet**-- You should always flush the toilet with the seat down. If you don't, water particles from the toilet will float around your bathroom and finally land on surfaces like your toothbrush. Experts say flushing creates an invisible cloud, called “toilet plume”, that’s expelled into the air by the force of the flush. The toilet plume may contain faecal bacteria and other microorganisms like viruses.

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