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Thursday, September 6, 2018

An Extraordinary New Anti-Aging Technique Promises to Slow Down The Aging Process And It Can See Human Live 150 Years

creaking knees, wrinkles and getting closer to death every single day-age is no friend of human body. But an extraordinary new anti-aging technique promises to slow down the process.In fact, it can see human live to 150 and also allow then to regrow their organs by 2020. Harvard professor David Sinclair and researchers from the University of New South Wales developed a new process to slow down aging. The technique which involves reprogramming cells, can not only allow people to regenerate their organs but also allow paralysis sufferers to move again, with human trials due within two years. It was found in the same research that lifespan of mice could be increased y 10 % by giving them a vitamin B derivative pill. In what is both good news and groundbreaking. It also observed that the pill led to a reduction in age related hair loss. Science behind the pill involves the molecule Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD), which is believed to be capable of generating energy in human body. The chemical is already used as a supplement for treating Parkin's didease and Fighting jet leg. Professor Siclair, who is using his own molecule to reduce aging said thar his biological age has reduced by 24 years after taking the pill. His father 79, has taken to adventure sports such as white water rafting and backpacking after he started using the molecule a year and a half ago. In case you are not convinced of this molecule yet, his sister-in-law gained her fertility back after taking the treatment, despite having started to transition into menopause in her 40s. Regarding the availability of the pill to the general public and its cost, it is expected to be available to public within five years and cost the same each day as a cup of coffee.


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