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Friday, January 10, 2020

Twitter Showers Love On Canadian Traveler Rose Gabraelli Who Converted To Islam

Pakistanis took to social media on Thursday to congratulate Canadian traveler Rosie Gabrielle after she wrote a note explaining that she accepted Islam after spending a year in Pakistan. Twitter users were quick to appreciate the traveller for highlighting a positive and peaceful image of Pakistan and showered love on her for showing the beauty of the religion. Gabrielle wrote an extensive note her Instagram, announcing that after visits to Muslim countries like Pakistan, the solo motorcyclist had converted to Islam. The vlogger, who toured the countries on a motorbike, said her experiences in the Muslim-majority countries brought her closer to Islam. From a young child, I’ve always had a unique connection with creation and special relationship to God," she wrote. "Never resonating with what I was brought up with, I denounced my religion 4 years ago, going down a deep path of spiritual discovery. exploration of self, and the great Divine. I never let go the sight of the Creator, in fact, my curiosity and connection only grew stronger. "For me, I was already technically a “Muslim”. My Shahada was basically a re-dedication of my life to the path of Oneness, connection and Peace through the devotion of God," she added. Former Pakistani actor Hamza Ali Abbasi, who left his profession because of religious reasons, said "Masha Allah... May God give you strength, contentment & bless you in this temporary life & the coming eternal life & make you one of those who make ppl aware of the fact tht one day, very soon, we will all stand accountable for our deeds on the Day of Judgement." Pakistani actress Veena Malik also congratulated the traveller for her decision and said welcomed her "to the Religion of Peace". VEENA MALIK ✔ @iVeenaKhan lucky are those guided towards the True path ... Welcome to the Religion of Peace #RosieGabrielle View image on Twitter 3,296 7:18 PM - Jan 9, 2020 Twitter Ads info and privacy 420 people are talking about this Another person added that this was the "best news" to wake up to and negated the view that Islam is an oppressive religion. Drousham Balouch @droushambalouch This is the BEST post I woke up with ♥️ I am following #RosieGabrielle since last year&wished to see her converting ! As we MUSLIMS need such spiritual lady to tell people that HOW WONDERFUL IT IS. It is not exactly what being dictated by Mullas. Loads of prayers for her View image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on Twitter 318 3:10 PM - Jan 9, 2020 Twitter Ads info and privacy 76 people are talking about this Another Twitter user thanked Gabrielle "for showing the world how much love and peace" the traveller found in Pakistan. "I've always believed that anyone with kindness & humanity in their hearts is a true Muslim and will eventually find their way to Allah; And you had have tons of that," she said. Mariam's madness @mariamsmadness #RosieGabrielle Thank you for showing the World how much love and peace you found in Pakistan. I've always believed that anyone with kindness & humanity in their hearts is a true Muslim and will eventually find their way to Allah; And you had have tons of that. Welcome to Islam.

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