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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Scammers Try To Access A User;s WhatsApp Account Via Their Voicemail Inbox

  The scammers first attempt is to download and verify the app using victim's phone number. By carrying out the attack at night, they bank on the user not checking their phone and take advantage of WhatsApp's six-digit verification code. After getting the code, scammers can log into the user's WhatsApp account. Scammers attempt to gain access to use's account by taking advantage of weekly secured voicemail inboxes, according to  Naked Security, a blog run by British security company Sophos. The attacks became so prevalent that Israel's National Cyber Security Authority issued a nationwide warning. To start, attackers try to instal the WhatsApp on their own phone using la legimate user's phone number. WhatsApp attempts to verify the login attempt by sending a six-digit verification code via text message to the victim's telephone. Hackers may do this when the victim may not be checking their phone, such as nighttime. WhatsApp then gives users the option to send the six-digit code via a phone call with an automated message, Since the user is not checking their phone, the message ideally goes to their voicemail. The scammer then take advantage of a security flaw in many telecommunication networks, which provide customers with a generic phone number to call and retrieve their voicemails. For many voicemails, users only have to enter a four-digit PIN, which if they have not changed it, is typically an easy password such as 0000 or 1234 by default.      
 Experts recommend users turn on two-factor authentication on their account, which adds an extra layer of security, as well as make sure they have a strong PIN on their voicemail inbox. 
  When creating a new use a combination of numbers, symbols, uppercase and lowercase letters. Ensure that the password is at least eight characters long. Use abbreviated phrases for passwords. Change your password regularly. Log out of websites and devices after you have finished using them. Use derivative of your name, family member's name, pet's name, phone number, address or borthday. Write your password down, share it or let anyone else use your login details. Answer yes when asked
  Do usecommonly used passwords like 123456, password, Qwerty.   

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