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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Laboratory- Prepared Kidney Is Working

American scientists say that kidney prepared in laboratory and tranplanted to an animal is working properly and emission of urine is normal from the kidney. Different human body parts are already being asrtifially prepared in this laboratory and have been transplated to the patients, but the prepation of a kidney was the most comlicated task. The scietists at general hospital at Massachusettes have made a great acheivement in in preparing artificial kidney. The scietists in their experiment took a kidney from mouse and cleaned its old cells with soap and and the remanant bone-like kidney was tranformed into new kidney with the help of other cells and transplanted into another mouse. To transplant the artificial kidney to human-being is far away yet, but scientists are hopeful that if this technique is successful it will be a marvellous acheivement.

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