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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Internet And The USA's Supermacy

The United States has set its un-necessary monopoly on internet. Specially, the monopoly of the USA on Domain Name System (DNS) is the forcfully occupation of the sovereignity of other countries in the cyber world. It is noteworthy that there is hidden digital address of apparent word addresses of every website. The digital address is constituted by a department "Internet Corporation for Assign Name And Number " (ICANN), working under the USA government. In other words every every web address or protocol is controlled by the USA. In this regard in a coference "World Wide Coference On International Communication " organized by UN Sub Agency "International Telecommunication (ITU)" held in Dubai last year, several questions were raised to limiting the supermacy of the USA in the telecommunication and cyber space sector. Conference recommended to review the International Telecommunication Agreement constituted in 1988. This agreement was actually created to give supermacy to the USA on the world telecommunication system. A participant from UAE the director General of UAE telecommunication Authority Muhamammad Nasser Ul Ghaneem, who was presiding over a session of the conference said that several countries participating in the conference wished to decrease the limit of supermacy of the USA on internet system. However, ptoAmerican countries were in favour of USA monololy as their negative activities may be kept secret from the eyes of the world.

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