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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

An Important Question--Are There Negative Impacts Of Continuous And Unlimited Usage Of Internet?

Before March 2012, Jason Russel was- a 32 year American film director was not much known to the world except his close friends and even was unknown to the Internet world. He had no account on you tube and on the wall of his face book account were shown the pictures of kids or personal orchard.
Jason was neither fond of Internet nor he liked it. He said to use Internet for longer is like an addiction. He used to say," people should shut down the computers and come to real world and work". But in March 2012 his life met with a revolution.
It so happened that Russel made a short documentary film "Kony 2012" about a warrior Christian extremist leader Joseph Koni. The purpose of the film was to bring Kony's war crimes to the world so that a case against him could be filed in the court. This film was released on March 5, 2012.
The attempt of revealing the sins of Joseph Kony through social media was very successful. During the first two weeks more than 80 million people watched "Kony 2012" on you tube. According to an estimate more than half of the mature Americans got to know Joseph Kony after the release of the film. Moreover, due to this movie African Union sent its army to Uganda to search Kony.
Inspite of this grand success, Jason Russel met with a strange incident. Actually, "Kony 2012" was vastly criticized and appreciated, simultaneously in the Internet world. Russel was also encircled by the continuous discussions on Internet about the picture. So he stuck to computer like a louse. This action affected his psychological and physical health, negatively.
During next four days after the release of the film Russel could sleep for 2 hours only. Otherwise, he kept sitting in front of the computer. He posted links some times and replied to the critics other time. Gradually, his mental and physical condition got worsened, he was so busy in the activities of this Unique (Internet) invention of 21st century that he could not realize his worsening condition.
On the morning of March 18, he wrote on twitter the message of Martin Lother King Junior's message," if you can not fly then run, if youy can not run then walk, if you can not walk then crawl, you can do what ever you like but the journey ahead must not stop."
After sending this message on Twitter Russel returned to real world. Severity of thirst, hunger and tiredness had shaken his body and mind. Moreover, during these days he did not talk to his kids and wife. This inhumane treatment soon brought its bad results.
At 11-30 AM he came out of his home in San Diego with out clothes except an underwear on his body. Then he started running on the roads in semi-naked condition. He was talking meaningless, he tried to stop traffic sometimes, knocking on the gates of houses he abused devil. At last police caught Russel and took him to hospital. Video was shot of this incident and uploaded was watched by thousands of people.
When Russel was medically examined in the hospital, it was revealed that he was suffering from "Reactive Psychosis", a kind of temporary madness. His wife Dulcia wrote in her Blog about the condition of her husband," Neither my husband used drugs ever, nor he is used to drink alcohol. All this is due to the 'Machine', he remained stuck to it even when he was tired".
Dulcia further revealed that doctors said that Russel did not meet any extra-ordinary incident. Actual any body like Russel who gets sudden fame, he comes from anonymity to 'limelight' and he is continuously facing criticism or appreciation, he will suffer as Russel.
Russel was discharged from hospital after a month but he is under treatment at home. He did not come on fore ground and also absent from Internet world. Actually, the life history of Russel brings a dangerous and dark side of Internet, before us.

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