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Monday, January 23, 2012

Solar Energy-- An Alternate Source Of Getting Electricity

Experts say that sunlight received by earth in an hour is enough to turn into so much electricity which can be supplied to the whole world for a year.At present electricity is generated from solar rays through photo-electric cells or solar thermal power houses.
Photo-electric cells directly turn the sunlight into electricity. These are made up of silicone material and there are 40 such cells in one kilo watt panel. In the thermal power houses bigger mirrors warm the liquid material and the warm liquid in the pipes are turned into steam and this runs the turbines to generate electricity. Solar thermal power houses have the advantage of storing the electricity.Electricity obtained from solar energy is measured in watts and one thousand watts make a kilowatt. An average family in Pakistan utilizes one to three kilowatt electricity daily.If a 100 watts bulb is on for an hour it will utilize 100 watts electricity. however, in the 100 watt capacity 50 watt bulb can be used for 2 hours while that of 25 watts bulb for 4 hours.
Slar energy can be used for cooking, warming and cleaning the water, and homes can be kept cool. Equipments have been invented in the west for performing all sorts of tasks and now are being introduced in the world.

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