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Friday, June 1, 2012

Who Are The Terrorists? Muslims Or The Western Countries

It is no more than a compaign or a crusade against Muslims as Bush Junior had already termed it the day he announced war against terrorism and attacked Afghanistan.
A great German Muslim Scholar has very beautifully shown mirror to West to see their face in it. When he was asked about terrorism and Islam. He replied who started the First World War? Were they Muslims?
Who started the Second World War? Muslim? Who killed about 20 million Aborigines in Australia? Were they Muslims? Who had thrown atom bomb first ever in history of human beings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and killed millions of living creatures and vegetations in Japan? Were they Muslims?
Who killed more than 100 million Indians in North America? Muslims? Who killed more than 50 millions Indians in South America? Muslims? Who caught about 180 million Africans like animals as slaves and out of them 88 % died and their dead bodies were thrown in Atlantic Ocean? Were they Muslims? No they were not Muslims. First of all West has to define terrorism properly. Who is killing Muslims in Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan, and Iraq? Victims are all the Muslims and the Killer? What they would be named? Hindus and Jews when kill freedom fighters they are appreciated that they are killing terrorists. If any country is invaded by foreign forces , do not that nation has right to push them out of their country? First of all terrorism is to be defined properly. If a non-Muslim does something bad it is a crime, but if the Muslim commits same deed he is terrorist. First of all West has to remove the double standard then they will know who are the actual terrorists in this world.

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