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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pacific Ocean May Become The First "Boxing Ring" For The America And China

The USA and China are trade partners. The have trade worth $ 600 billion annually. Actually the USA and Europe have great investment contribution toward China's economic progress. But, as the USA is in the hard grip of debts and expenses, the the China's prosperity and development is pinching in its eyes. It is worth mentioning here that China has become the second bigger world economy after the USA.
The USA also does not like the increasing influence of China from Indonesia to Mauritania and South Africa. But Chines do not attack other countries like other western colonial powers do, but they sign economic and financial agreements with other states, and thus they assist the foreign countries in their development. However, the USA is afraid of the day when rising influence of China may cause its deprivation of the only super power status. Therefore, the "eagles" in the American government want to check the advancement of China. The American secretary of state for defense Leon Panetta said that by 2020, 60 % of the ships of American navy will come to Pacific ocean.
Actually, a part of Pacific ocean in the Southern China is rich in natural resources of oil and gas. China claims its ownership on the vast area of this part of sea. But, Philippines and Vietnam do not recognize China's claim. The USA favors these countries. The USA is always seeking the "wars" so that so that its war industry may exist. So it now wants to have another war in the southern sea of China. India is also afraid of China's influence.
If the USA deploys its 60 m% of navy in the Pacific ocean then it will consist of 11 plane carrier ships, 61 guided missile destroyers, 22 guided missile war ships ( cruisers), 72 sub-marines, 24 frigates and hundreds of other ships. At present American war fleet has 282 different kinds of ships. By 2020, 162 war ships will be roaming in the pacific ocean to face China.
The annual war budget of the USA is $ 642 billion while China has only $106 billion. However, the USA spends major share of the budget on wars while China manufactures latest weapons with the war budget. So inspite of less budget China is ahead in this regard of the USA.

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