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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Banana--- A Fruit, Vegetable And A Medicine Too

Banana is not only a tasteful and cheaper fruit but has several medicinal benefits too. It is available throughout the year and medical doctors also suggest banana for the remedy of stomach disorder. The history of its cultivation traces back to pre-historical age. History books reveal that Alexander The Great had seen its cultivation in Sind valley 327 years BC. During 7th century it reached to Asia and then Arabs took it to Africa and the western countries. Fromwhere it traveled to central and southern Americas. Today it is vastly cultivated in Pak-India sub-continent. Due to its pleasant taste and lower price it has a unique place among the fruits. It is a rich energy source having all the essential healthy constituents. On ripening it can be eaten as a fruit but in immature stage it is a nice vegetable. The flower and the middle part of the plant can be cooked as vegetable which makes a delicious dish and is medicine for a number of diseases.
Bananas takes from 7 to 21 months to harvest depending upon the variety. The bunches of bananas are cut from the plant when it gets full size and color begins to change before ripening. Bananas are made eatable and ripened through different methods. Bunches of banana are cooked either under sun, or in a air-tight room, covered by leaves and with smoke. It takes 30-48 hours to cook bananas.
Banana makes body fat, lowers blood pressure and increases and cleans blood. It is easily digestible as it has a lot of carbohydrates, is useful for patients suffering from dysentery or diarrhea. It fulfills the deficiency of iodine, it is useful in kidney, intestinal and gall bladder's disorders. Those children can be given banana with milk who quit mother's milk and would need no other diet.

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