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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Myanmar Beauty Queen Was Stripped Of Her Title Due To Posting A Graphic Videi (Video)


A myanmar beauty queen says she was stripped off her pageant title after posting a graphic video - accusing Rohingya militants of driving communal violence in Rakhine state, a conflict fraught with controversy in the mainly Budhist country. In a video on her Facebook page last week, Miss Grand Myanmar Shwe Eain, accused the Rohingya militants of leading a 'media compaign' to trick the world into thinking " they are the oppressed" Shots of Shwe speaking to the camera were interspersed with graphic images of people with bloody gashesacross their faces, nude babies and screen shots from videos from video posted by the militant group, ARSA (Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army)). On Sunday the firm behind the beauty pageant announce Shwe had been stripped of her title for breaching
contract rules in a statement that did not mention the video on Rakhine, On Sunday the firm behind the beauty pageant announced Shwe Eain Si had been stripped of her title for breaching contract rules, in a statement that did not mention the video on Rakhine.

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