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Saturday, January 1, 2011

We Have The Right To Know - A Revolutionary Demand Of Indians

Though the Supreme Court of India through judicial activism had already told the masses that they had the "Right To Information" and the constitution permits them to know what their government is doing. This was made clear to them by the court before the public movement started. During 2002, in the case of Association for Democratic Reforms the supreme court decision came to light in which the contesters of elections were ordered to make the details of their assets public. But the Laborer Kissan Shakti Movement brought another version of "right to information" demand to give them access to government record of their salaries.
However, the influential people like in Pakistan never give right to the poors to know about their secret deals and business . So they created hurdles and at least 10 activists of the movement lost their lives. Among them 4 belonged to Maharashtar, and remaining were from Gujrat, Bihatr, Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh.Among the founders of RTI Act Arona Rai ponted out that due to free economic conditions/ situation the private firms/institutions had wider interests. They have links with bureaucrats, Politicians and criminals to earn money by hook or by crook. Therefore social workers fighting against them were attacked vastly. Among the RTI workers 33 years Ameet was killed too because he opposed the mining project of a private company that had to damage the natural beauty of the Gujrat's Geera Gungle.
Indias have sacrificed lives for the noble cause. Can this act be promulgated in Pakistan the Right To Information?

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