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Friday, October 11, 2013

Sale Of Malala's Book " I Am Malala" Will Not Be Allowed In Pakistan--- TTP

Malala Yousuzai of Swat, Pakistan, who has been nominated for Bobel Peace Prize has wriiten an autobiography in which she criticised Taliban about trrorism in Pakistan and blocking the way of girls' education. Though Malala has done courageous job for the girls; education but whatever it is, at least she does not deserve the prestigeous award Nobel prize. Her worl is though great but is not worth of Nobel prize. As the Peace prize ha been awarded to Obama who detroyed the world peace if he were given for the destruction of World Peace then it would have been worth it. But theworld today is the prey to terrorism is due to presidents of USA and specially Obama. It means that Nobel prize did not remain impartial and is awareded on world political bases. It is the conspiracy of Jewish lobby that the person who is so called Pakistani or belongs to any different sect of relion is highlighted in media. Like Nobel Prize was given to Pakistani Scientist Abdul Sallam whi is Qadiani. Similarly Malala will be given Nobel Prize but it is not pride for Pakistan, it is only a deep conspiracy of world anti-Islam lobbby. Thee are many women in Pakistan who are engaged in gils' education, welfare workd, like Edhi why not he is given Nobel Prize. Why Malala? Because world media does not high light the welfare activities of the unknown people. Thousands are sacrificing their lives for welfare activities. Malalas friends were also wounded did anybody specially western media follloeed them? They just planne to choose a figure from Pakistan and take him/her to sky hrights and hundereds of awards have been given to Malala What for? Did 100 pecent of Swat girld have been educated. What the BBC blog of "Gul Mak" did for the welfare of the Islam or welfare of wonen in Pakistan. Just criticing Taliban and declaring them terrorists? Ok taliban did not do well they captured Swat killed many innocent people but there were many who were against them what did they get Why Malala? Did any common personality is allowed to addrss UN general AssemblyWhy Malala? Whee head of States can address or VVIP so Giving her the sttus of VVVIP atpar wity head of Staes? Did USA or UN have sympathy with Pakistan? Did Malala recconded World Bank or IMF to remit te loans of Pakistan give Pakistan civil nuclear technology ? So Why Malala is riding on the heads of World Mdia and UN and USA aw well? however, after one and a half an hour Malala will be Nobel Laurate. But it is not an occasion that Pakistan should br pride opf but it is a sheme for nation. There are many scholars, thinkers, writers, and scientists in the Muslij World why are not they crown with Nobel Prize why Malala? On othe side, Taliban have annpounced that any organization or book stall selling Malala's book will be targetted. So the Malala's book "I am Malala" has been picked from the shelves kept for sale in Islamabad, Peshawatr and all other big cities. This book has been presented for sale a few days back.

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