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Thursday, June 27, 2013
A Secret Letter Was Written To Swiss Government To Close The Case Against Zardari
NRO implementation xase has taken a new turn. PPP government had written a second letter to Swiss authorities to keep the money laudering case against Zardari closed, which was against the directives of the supreme court and violation of the directions of the apex court. The court was kept unaware of the contents od second letter. Due to which the date for filing the appeal got expired.
This happened exactly as the Blogger had expressed this fear already in a previous post. PPP government was so clever that it would have never written the letter according to the instruction of the apex court.
Chief justice has termed the second letter as contemt of court and said that who had written letter will have to face consequences.
Attorney general Munir A Malik said that a letter was written on November 05, 2012 according to the approved draft of the court to Swiss authorities but on November 22, 2012, a second letter was wriotten by secretary law Yasmeen Abbasi about withdrawing the first request of opening of the cases and keeping them closed.
On the basis of this letter Swiss government decided to close the case and wrote a letter to Pakistan government on February 14, 2013 but letter was taken in custody by the previous government and was never discl;osed.
The attorney general further told that on the directions of the government Pakistani Ambssador sent a copy of the letter to him on June 14 this year which he said he received on June 20. The appeal against the Swish court decision had to be filed within ten days but the datehad passed, however, now the appeal has been filed with the request to open the cases againstZardari.
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