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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pakistan And Iran Are The Countries Having Most Negative Global Impact

According to a survey conducted by BBC, the positive international opinion about India and China has subsided, while, Iran and Pakistan have to the light as having the highest negative opinion in the world, whereas, the opinin of most of the Pakistanis about the USA is mainly negative. The survey was conducted from December 2012 to April 2013 jointly by the International polling firm Globe Scan and Program on International Policy Aptitude (PIPA) for BBC World Service. In the survey 26,299 people were asked their opinion in the 16 different countries of the world about 16 countries and European Union what they think regarding the impact of these countries in the world? Was it positive or negative? The director of the PIPA said that score of China and India got raised when they saved themselves from economic crisis in the world but it changed to negative status because of corruption on lasrge scale in both the countries and the violence cases on women (rape cases) specially in India. He added that different countries could not show capability to come out of economic crisis while, Britain ranking remained positive due to Olympic games. According to survey the opinion about China decreased to 42 points showing 8 points lower thanearlier, while negative impact has risen to 39 points with 8 points rise. The most highest negative opinion of the people was about the USA.was

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