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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Imran Khan! You Are Following The Footprints Of The Politicians You Have Been Cursing

Khan! after one a half decade long struggle, patience and devotedness for your cause, you at last gained the position the experienced and old politicians wish for. You are in the position to sweep in the election and be the next prime minister. But, you know what you are doing now. You have gathered around yourself the selfish and opportunists people who never remained loyal and faithful to the interest of the nation and people. Who are the worshipers of the rising sun. They know which way the wind is going to blow. They will will damage your image and your years long struggle. You have assign the responsibilities of the highest offices to the people who have joined your party recently. Is not it that you have made injustice to your old and day 1 companions. No doubt, these people can win their seats and your party would have a bit more seats in the assembly but would not your close aides be disappointed. Similarly, several other prominent politicians may join your party and will you hand over them other important offices in your party ranks?. Imraan Khan! your party will get destroyed and your mission and the destination you have to reach will be more far off. Be aware of the snakes around you, they can bite you any time.
Secondly, your speeches reflect the same language and tune the traditional ,politicians have been using who have no manifesto except blaming their opponents, which is good for clapping of the masses in the public addresses. But, no political leader could present solid solution to solve the problems of poverty, diseases and ignorance in the country. However, due to ignorance of common men they reach to assemblies and some times to power. Their members begin collecting cash and depositing in the foreign bank to get the interest on the money they would have invested in the election. They loot all the resources of the poor country and nation as soon as possible because they know they would go out due to the corruption.
Khan! all know that corruption is the country is the the white ant that has hollowed the stem of the Pakistan's economy the strong tree of the economy is going to crash. You what the present rulers have done to Pakistan Railways, energy sector, PIA, Steel Mills and OGDC but the people have to face the consequences in the form of load shedding of gas and electricity, price hike and increase weekly in the prices of petroleum products. Pakistan is a rich country regarding mineral resources, fertile lands, world's largest canal network. hard working and patriotic and genius people but they never found sincere and a leader loyal to country after founder of Pakistan and Shaheed e Millat.
Imran Khan, you are the hope of young generation. You are honest till now but power makes honest people blind and insincere. We hope you would not change. But, please present your line of action your menifesto that what you are going to do to uproot the cancer of corruption and to implement NRO and all other verdicts of the apex court. Clearly tell the people the nation. Will you hang nearly 100 million people to eradicate corruption, because every second person in this country is corrupt. Poor are more corrupt taking from cart man selling vegetables on cart to rickshaw driver to naib Qasid of a office.? This is because they can not find their two ends meet, to earn living for their family and kids. Therefore rate of suicides is on the rise. Will you implement Islamic Laws. The sentences in the law the only solution to end corruption. As in Saudi Arabia. Khan! please stop blame-game and tell the people your future plan how would you culminate corruption. If you can clean this country from corruption, you will find this country a super power of at least Islamic World. Corruption is not only in the shape of money. It is in neglecting one's official duty too. Teachers do not teach in schools , go to offices late, are irregular and have ruined education system. Khan! How would you straighten nearly 90 % of the corrupt people in the society. It is MUST YOU WILL HAVE TO PRESENT CLEAR CUT PLAN. Go ahead May Allah be with you.

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