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Monday, August 1, 2011

Greedy Medical Doctors Are Involved In Human Organs Trade

In the body organs business patients work as "demand" and the poor are "supply" or supply chain while the third layer between the two is that of middle men who deal with the needy, the patient and the donor. The doctors and the middle men take advantage of the both the needy people.
Some doctors who have greed for money demand that this trade be legalized. Some argue in favor of this business to be made legal as this would check the illegal methods used by the middlemen. Doctor Robert of Royal Liverpool Hospital of London says that if some body wants to donate his kidney to some patient freely it is considered a great sacrifice and is appreciated by the people but if some body wants to sell his body organ people start hating him. He adds if some needy person wants to sell his body organ what the right others have for objection. If the trade of body organ is illegal why not to name this as compensation or fine, like in an accident the person who hits other will pay for his treatment and will spend a lot of cash amount.
At present only Iran has this trade as legal business , in other countries only relatives can donate body parts to the patient or any person can donate body organ to be taken after death. In western countries there is prepared a waiting list for the purpose. But it takes a longer time. In the USA 0.1 million patients are waiting for one oe other body organ. Therefore the need of the patients has promoted this business. As in western countries people do not sell body organs so therefore the body organ trade mostly developed in developing or under developed countries.

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