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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Whistle Blowers Triggered The Revolution In Tunisia

The martyrdom of Bu Azizi in Tunisia that lead to the great revolution in the country was triggered by WiliLeaks. During the frst week of December the disclosure of cables about Tunisia created an uproar. The Diplomatic cables of American Ambassador in Tunisia opened carried the corruption scandals of rulers and opened the secrets of lucrative lives of ruling family. Tunisia has a high rate of literacy that is 75%, so out of 100 million population 3.5 million people use internet. Among these 2 million have acoounts on facebook, twitter, flicker youttube and on other social websites. The number of internet users in Tunisia are higher than the neighboring countries. The reason for this was that government controlled the media that used to telecast and broadcast official reports in which every thing was declared well and good in the country. If any journalist wrote against the policies of government he was tortured and put to jail and tortured. Therefore people used internet to be aware of the national and international latest news. When the Wikileaks documents were opened, Government blocked all the websites that displayed the documents. In this way government surrounded the internet by "FireWall" Opposition called this censorship as "Ammar404", because those websites did not opened and showed the message 404. Due to all these restrictions on media and internet the people diverted to face book and published Wikileaks documents there.

1 comment:

Shafiue Ahmad, Rawalpindi said...

Dr Sahib,
You have written quite right. Please keep on writing. i like your blog. It provides many new information.