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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spying "Humming Bird"

Spying or collecting secret information has been playing an important role for getting military success since long. But, its importance during modern age is no less even in peace time.Every country has to be aware of the intentions of its enemy countries. Various sources are used for the purpose. Spies are sent to the enemy countries, or military or officials of the secret departments of other countries are used as agents or different tools and modern equipments are used for getting information. In fact, some times equipments work more efficiently than the human beings. With the advances in the technological field, the importance of detective equipments has increased manifold. Scientists are working to invent new tools to get information easily. Collecting of the information becomes more difficult where spies have no access or equipments do not work efficiently due to have shorter range. For example, a secret meeting of the terrorists is being held on a far off place in a jungle, there it becomes near to impossible for a human being to spy there as terrorists would have full control of the territory. It is also necessary to install instruments on the place to listen the conversation. But is is clear that installing the equipment near or on the spot would be difficult. The scientists under the American Defence Ministry have been working to develop latest equipments to be used for spying. A project of the type has recently been completed. It was about to develop a "Spying Sparrow". But do not consider it the living bird but , it is an instrument resembling bird that would be used for spying purpose.

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